Saturday, January 14, 2012

Recently we ate at HuHot restaurant it was really tasty, but I think that I can come up with better combo's at home.  I love the fact that the exact same ingredients tasted completly different depending on the sauces used.  My only issue with the restaurant was the fact that when they scrapped the hot stone grill on one side the muck srapped off would occasionally flip into your food that was cooking on the other side--- which was really gross....  this being said the flavors were exceptional and easily could be duplicated.  I am on the hunt for some of the most fabulous sauces in the land.  This is my current passion at the moment. 

My other passion currently is the fabulous dark purple KitchenAid mixer that my fabulous husband bought for me this past Christmas.  I have already tried it on a few recipes and and looking forward to trying many more.  I will post the best one's as they arrive in my kitchen.

Also this year I am going to use my blog to spout my happy thoughts about tv shows I love and ones that frighten me as well and any other items that pop into my head.  I have missed my blog, my thoughts this year are about me.  Things I love, things I want to improve and things I want to learn more about.  Come with me on my journey if you would like, the more the merrier.