Saturday, April 21, 2012

I find myself at a crossroads--- what to do, what to do.  I know what I want-- I want to get the house cleaned up before I get turned into the Hoarders tv show as their next episode.  I want to loose 100 pounds.  I want to have a job that I actually enjoy and am excited about again.  Ultimately I would like to earn enough doing something from home, doing something I am actually passionate about.  I would like to take a few classes. 

The only thing I am sure about is that I am madly in love with my husband Duane who I have been married to for the last 10 years, and our two children-- Hailey and Jacob.  These are the reasons I get up in the morning.  My entire world revolves around their needs and happiness and I love that part of my life I would never want this part of my life to change.

While I am very happy to be a mom and wife I have lost myself somewhere along the way and I think that keeps me from being the best mom, wife and person that I could be.  I have let myself go mentally and physically and need to find my way back.  I am ready and willing to find ME again--- where did I go, what happened to me?  I feel like a robot more than a person anymore.  I have no idea what I like anymore--- what motivates me-- what makes me happy.  It is high time I find out these things and get my groove back.

These are what I will be working on starting today!!!!!!!!!!!!!