Sunday, September 11, 2011

The lost art of the perfect Peanut Butter Sandwich

Now I realize that most people take the Peanut Butter sandwich for granted, but there is a true art to a perfect sandwich.  First and formost would be the selection of the bread, next is the perfect tasting peanut butter, followed by the sweet condiment of choice-- jelly, honey, or spread. 

When I was a little kid a peanut butter sandwich consisted of Roman Meal bread with Peter Pan peanut butter, and Smucker's blackberry preserves.  As I moved out on my own my tastes changed and I tried other things and came up with a better sandwich.

My favorite consists of slightly toasted Wheat bread with smooth and creamy Jif peanut butter and blackberry perserves.  On occasion I will substitute honey for the jelly or a fruit spread.  If we have no money a lower class of peanut butter is used, but I try hard to stay true to my brand.  Peanut Butter is one of the very few items that I am a total brand snob about.  Jif or bust is my motto.

Smucker's brand blackberry preserves is my favorite, but  the Wal-Mart brand is ok.  I have been trying honey, and some of the low calorie fruit spreads lately as well.  Honey is also a favorite choice of mine as well. 

I also like to use bagels, and ritz crackers---- they end up looking like a dab of cavier is in the middle of the peanut butter.

While others slab some tastless peanut butter on cheap white bread and slather it with grape jelly and call it a peanut butter sandwich, I am here to tell you stop----- there is a better world out there try something new and different...... you just might like it.  Even something as quick and simple as a peanut butter sandwich can turn into something fantastic if you just put a little extra thought into it.

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