Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Fall my very favorite season

It's finally cooling down, the air is getting crisp, and Fall is in the air.  My very favorite season of them all.  Of course Spring is nice with all the flowers budding and it's pretty and all, Summer just sucks.  I freakin hate being hot--- I admit I'm a puss.  Luckily in old MO it stayed between 90-100+ for 3 months in a row...... with only 100% humidity.  I'm also not a huge fan of being cold-- so Winter is out as well.  I'm a puss, I believe that I mentioned that already-- back to winter--  cold, snow, ice--- blech I'm passing on it as well. 

However, Fall is my perfect season hoovers in the 60 - 80 degree world during the day and 40-60's at night.  Layered clothes, boots, Autumn colors, warm apple cider, pumpkins, pretty leaves sign me up, I'm there.  It is becoming craft show season here around Springfield and I can't wait.   This year I was really wanting to actually sell my crafts in a show this year, but it is not really working out very well.  Be that as it may, I am still painting away and when the seas part and I am able to walk through to the other side I will be ready to sell my wares.  Taxes, licenses and legal crap getting in the way of my creativity.  I just want to paint and get cash for it...... Big Brother gets plenty of my paycheck from my crappy full time job that I hate, they shouldnt get a penny of my blood sweat and tears of the creative juices of art...... off the beaten track again I see.......

 Back to Fall--- Another fantastic part of fall is the food---- soups, stews, chowders, casseroles full of yummy meats and veggies breads and don't forget about all the sweets.  Pumpkin, cinnamon, pecans, walnuts, apples, and sticky gooey goodness.  This is the part we will be dealing with very soon.  I have been pulling out my favorite fall foods and will be soon sharing them so you may have a bit of fall in your homes as well.  But not today--- Today was just to get some of my random thoughts out of my head....hahaha Yup I'm also just a big tease.... recipes to come very soon.

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